Time to standardize "true" and "false"

LTH network news server newsuser at lth.se
Fri Sep 22 17:31:38 AEST 1989

In article <13730 at well.UUCP> nagle at well.UUCP (John Nagle) writes:
>     I would like to suggest that the time has come to standardize the
>Boolean values in C.

I completely agree that a boolean data type is needed in C++.  I
think the definition should define the following properties:

	1.  The data type is called "boolean".
	2.  The allowed values are "false" and "true".
	3.  int(false) = 0 and int(true) = 1
	4.  boolean(0) = false, other values are true

I do not know if implicit conversion boolean <==> int should be allowed.

In the time before C++ 2.0, it was quite common to define a boolean type
as an enumeration:

	enum boolean {false, true};

Unfortunately (in this case), C++ no longer allows implicit conversion
int ==> enum, so the result of a comparison must be explicitly type cast:

	boolean b;
	b = (i == 3);		// warning
	b = boolean(i == 3);	// ok

This is rather clumsy.  We cannot define our own operator functions on
the boolean data type, because one of the arguments must be a class object.

	boolean operator == (boolean x, boolean y) {...}	// error

I do not understand exactly why this restriction is required, but apparently
it is.  Please enlighten me.

What remains is to define a class for boolean.  This is not easy to
make as efficient as the built in types, but the problem is mostly in
the lack of optimization in the code generators.  I have tried; you
will find my attempt to define a boolean below.  Note that I have not
defined the operators && and || -- I do not think we can achieve the
"short circuit" evaluation we're used to with a user-defined operator.

Dag Michael Bruck
Department of Automatic Control		Internet:  dag at control.lth.se
Lund Institute of Technology
P. O. Box 118				Phone:	+46 46-108779
S-221 00 Lund, SWEDEN			Fax:    +46 46-138118


// Boolean data type

enum {false, true};

class Boolean {
  Boolean()		{ val = false; }
  Boolean(int i)	{ val = (i != false); }
  Boolean(const Boolean& b)	{ val = b.val; }
  // Any non-zero value is true; default value is false.

  operator int()	{ return val; }
  // Type cast boolean => integer.

  void operator &= (const Boolean& b)	{ val &= b.val; }
  void operator |= (const Boolean& b)	{ val |= b.val; }
  void operator ^= (const Boolean& b)	{ val ^= b.val; }
  // Operator assignment.

  friend Boolean operator & (const Boolean&, const Boolean&);
  friend Boolean operator | (const Boolean&, const Boolean&);
  friend Boolean operator ^ (const Boolean&, const Boolean&);
  friend Boolean operator ! (const Boolean&);
  friend Boolean operator == (const Boolean&, const Boolean&);
  friend Boolean operator != (const Boolean&, const Boolean&);
  // These operators need access to the internal representation.

  int	val;
  Boolean(long i) { val = int(i); }	// no check

inline Boolean operator & (const Boolean& p, const Boolean& q)
{ return long(p.val & q.val); }

inline Boolean operator | (const Boolean& p, const Boolean& q)
{ return long(p.val | q.val); }

inline Boolean operator ^ (const Boolean& p, const Boolean& q)
{ return long(p.val ^ q.val); }

inline Boolean operator ! (const Boolean& p)
{ return long(!p.val); }

inline Boolean operator == (const Boolean& p, const Boolean& q)
{ return long(p.val == q.val); }

inline Boolean operator != (const Boolean& p, const Boolean& q)
{ return long(p.val != q.val); }

// Note: there are no && and || operators.

Boolean f(Boolean b)
  return !b;

  Boolean p, q, r;

  r &= p;
  r = p & q;
  r = f(p);
Department of Automatic Control		Internet:  dag at control.lth.se
Lund Institute of Technology
P. O. Box 118				Phone:	+46 46-108779
S-221 00 Lund, SWEDEN			Fax:    +46 46-138118

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