Turbo Pascal to C

MARTIN PERGLER martin.pergler at canremote.uucp
Mon Sep 4 03:27:00 AEST 1989

Does anybody know of a program that does a decent job of converting
Turbo Pascal 4.0 and above source code to C, preferably Turbo C 2.0,
or ANSI C in general? (This is all MS-DOS stuff).  Or, does anybody
know of the SOURCE CODE to a Pascal 2 C conversion program I could lay
my hands on and modify?

Thanks....I have a few thousand lines of Pascal utility procs I need to
convert, and everything I have used so far chokes on TP 4.0 modularity

BTW, I am more interested in something which does the bulk of of the
synatx conversion for me and leaves hard parts to do manually, helping
me generate good quality C code that I can then use in my new programs,
than something that splices my code to a klooged run-time library so
that it runs, throwing any protability to the side....

Thanks in advance,  please reply to the address listed, or to
WCSMP at Carleton.ca   (.BITNET)


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