Time to standardize "true" and "false"

Gary M. Samuelson garys at bunker.UUCP
Tue Sep 26 22:48:11 AEST 1989

In article <1885 at mva.cs.liv.ac.uk> ian at mva.cs.liv.ac.uk writes:

>Wouldn't it be great for conditionals in C to be false if they are testing
>integer 0 and to be true if they are testing any other integer? That way
>we could use integers instead of a new boolean type. Oh, looks like they
>already do that!

In any argument, I find I will tend to take the side opposite that which
is supported largely by ridicule and sarcasm.

>Why do we need to introduce a new data type to do the job of a data type
>we already have, but in a more complex way?

It seems to me that your arguments (such as they are) would apply
equally to "short" and "long" (perhaps even "char").  Why do you think
I should use 32 bits ("int" in some environments) when 1 would do?
I favor the addition of "boolean" to "C" -- it's only logical.

Gary Samuelson

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