ttyname() - question

Tom Karzes karzes at mfci.UUCP
Sat Sep 2 05:40:34 AEST 1989

In article <1860001 at hppad.HP.COM> bazza at hppad.HP.COM (Carlos Bazzarella) writes:
>The second one doesn't work because when the 
>compiler gets to main() and sees test(), he doesn't
>know what to do with it, since it was not 
>previously defined or compiled.

Nonsense.  You obviously know nothing of C.  You should probably try to
understand something simple like "Hello world" before bothering the net
again with such rank amateur comments.  (I can tolerate dumb questions, but
not dumb answers, particularly when it's obvious that the code has not
been tested, or run through lint, or when TFM hasn't been consulted.)

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