More gotos...

Byron Rakitzis tbrakitz at phoenix.Princeton.EDU
Mon Sep 11 17:14:16 AEST 1989

I came across what I thought was a good application for a goto:
say you're scanning an input stream for tokens, and that you
skip over whitespace. Furthermore, suppose that there is a pair
of comment-delimiter characters. You also want to skip over comments.



   while (is_white_space(c = getchar()); /* skip it */

   /* So, c contains a non-whitespace character */

   if (c == comment_delimiter)
    while (c = getchar() != other_comment_delimiter); /* skip it */
    goto get_a_token;

Can anyone see a goto-less version which is as concise?
(I'm ignoring EOF errors and the like for the moment)

Cheers. (ducks for the flames)

"C Code."
	  "C Code run."
			"Run, Code, run!"
Byron Rakitzis. (tbrakitz at ---- tbrakitz at pucc.bitnet)

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