() ignored in some expressions

Greg S. Hennessy gsh7w at astsun.astro.Virginia.EDU
Thu Apr 12 11:36:16 AEST 1990

#In article <1458 at tkou02.enet.dec.com>, diamond at tkou02.enet.dec.com
(diamond at tkovoa) writes: 
#> This whole discussion concerns whether () may be ignored.  In ANSI,
#> for "(a + b) + c", the () must be obeyed.  Now the compiler must
#> add a and b first, then add c, or else do something that has the
#> same exact behavior.

In article <1284 at sdrc.UUCP> scjones at sdrc.UUCP (Larry Jones) writes:
#That's a common misconception, but it's just not true.  
#There's an explicit example of this in section where it
#	due to the associativity and precedence of these
#	operators.  Thus, the result of the sum "(a + 32760)" is
#	next added to b, and that result is then added to 5 which
#	results in the value assigned to a.

It seems to me that the two of you are saying the same thing. Why is
what diamond at tkovoa different from what is in

-Greg Hennessy, University of Virginia
 USPS Mail:     Astronomy Department, Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
 Internet:      gsh7w at virginia.edu  
 UUCP:		...!uunet!virginia!gsh7w

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