PD sources requested

Paul Coelen coelen at cstw71.prl.philips.nl
Tue Dec 18 00:06:40 AEST 1990

The X/Open portability guide (3) mentions a number of functions
to build and use message catalog files.

Functions that are described there are:

gencat, catopen, catclose, catgetmsg, catgets.

Does anyone have public domain versions (sources) of these functions?

| Paul Coelen                        | Tel.  : +31 40 743787                 |
| Nederlandse Philips Bedrijven B.V. | Fax.  : +31 40 743741                 | 
| Centre for Software Technology     | Telex.: 3500 phtc nl, routing nlwtfap | 
| Building HOE p 19                  | UUCP. : coelen at cst.prl.philips.nl     |
| PO Box 80000                       | SERI. : coelen:suncst01               |
| 5600 JA Eindhoven                  |                                       |
| The Netherlands                    |                                       |

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