Question about curses

J.S. Veiss jsv9504 at
Sun Jan 14 10:50:40 AEST 1990

I'm trying to print graphics characters from the alternate character set
and another character set I created in a program using the curses library.
I'm using standard ANSI escape codes to access the character sets.
I've gotten things down to be the only way the print the escape codes to 
change the character set is to print it to stdout instead of stdscr.  
However, when I print with stdout, I don't know where it's going to go on 
the screen.  It's really wierd, so bear with me here.

I'm passing a row and a column into a function.  I'm printing out numbers with
printw above each of the objects I'm printing with printf, followed by a
refresh.  Basically, it looks kinda like this:

PrintCard (row, col)

int row, col;

   move (row, col + 3);
   printw ("%d", col / 10);
   move (++row, col);
   printf ("%slqqqqqk%s", GRPH, ASCII);
   refresh ();

'col' comes in as multiples of 10.  GRPH is the escape code for the graphics
set.  ASCII is the escape code to switch back to the ascii character set.

what gets printed (in the correct row) is:

             1                 2           4     3   5
          +-----+           +-----+     +-----+-----+      <-graphics chars.

what should be printed is:
            1         2         3         4         5
         +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+   +-----+

I have to use printf because printw literally prints the escape codes as text
(i.e. the terminal doesn't get the escape command).  It seems as if the 'col'
variable I'm passing into move is getting screwed up, 'cuz if I print out the
column number at the top of the screen (to check) before I print each of the 
above entities out, the numbers print fine (in the right places.)

I've been working on this for many hours.  Think you can help?

I'd appreciate any help...


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