Wanted: Programs for Viterbi Decoder Algorithm (data comm stuff)

Jim Trotz trotz at stsci.EDU
Tue Jan 16 15:00:03 AEST 1990

Looking for programs, notes, or hints on understanding how the Viterbi
Decoder works. What I am looking for is either some actual code samples
or a an explanation in simple terms (I'm not a math wizzard).

My project concerns writing a decoder for the Mc680x0 to handle K7, R=1/2
code at 600 bits sec (hopefully). I have access to a good library, but all
of the references I found so far involve very heavy math. Someone gave me
a working program in C, but did not include any explanations. I have been
able to make it go faster, but would really like to know how it works.

My biggest questions concern how to generate the metric data tables and how
the "best" path is "tracked" through the trellis.

please send anything (good or bad) to me at trotz at stsci.edu.

Thanks in advance..

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