#define OR ||

Richard L Andrews andrewsr at police.rutgers.edu
Thu Jan 25 02:40:19 AEST 1990

Being new to C I have a few questions which must have been addressed
before in this newsgroup.  If someone has the previous stuff I would
really appreciate an E-mail.  Thanks.

Ok, I have read K&R (II) and Koenig's C Traps and Pitfalls.  I know
that a potential problem in coding is the mixup of `&' and `&&' (and
`|' and `||' etc).  Now, what is potentially wrong with:

#define AND &&
#define OR ||
#define EQ ==

It seems to me that when reading code this is what I do anyway.
Ex.  if (a && b)   =>   if (a AND b)

I do not advocate #defining code until it looks different (aka making
C look like pascal), but this seems harmless.

Also, just to open a bag of worms, what other books do people
recommend?  (And not beginner stuff).  
  //   Richard L Andrews II   |"Like any good philosophical discussion, the
\X/ andrewsr at topaz.rutgers.edu| conclusion is left unresolved." -McLaughlin

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