where to find all those #ifdef's and #defines

David Whitney- RCD dwhitney at pioneer.arc.nasa.gov
Tue Jan 9 09:41:36 AEST 1990

No seemed to know before, but I'm sure somone's _gotta_ know somewhere:

I've got a lot of programs that run on different systems and I want to find
out where each is running (among other things).  I've seen a lot of
cpp commands to determine some things (e.g.

#ifdef CRAY
...do such and such

Where is "CRAY" defined?  Or "unix" or "sgi", etc.?

Does anyone know who, what, or where to find these definitions for each
machine?  What I'd like (ideally) is a list of the variables that
are #define'ed at any one time.  Thanks,


(please e-mail responses)

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