VAX-C - calling SYS$GETSYI

Stacy L Ramirez seaotter at
Sat Jul 28 06:10:50 AEST 1990

Lacking access to proper documentation, the intrepid porter of unix
programs to VMS systems asked with trepidation:

	How does one call SYS$GETSYI from a C program?  Apparently
	the #define's in <SYIDEF.H> contain the main arguments of
	this function, but are there other arguments too?  Must
	any file other than <SYIDEF.H> be included?  Have I got
	the whole idea of SYS$GETSYI wrong in the first place?

	Help.  Please!

|	obligatory address	: c/o seaotter at		 |
|	obligatory disclaimer	: My views don't represent anyone but me |
|	obligatory quote	: Nothing takes the taste out of peanut  |
|				  butter quite like unrequited love.	 |
|							-- Charlie Brown |

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