Problems with lint in SunOS 4.0.3

Bala Vasireddi bala at
Tue Jul 24 12:59:14 AEST 1990


  Our users have been running into problems with Sun lint under OS4.0.3.
Specifically the error message looks like:

   Lint pass2:
   pass 2 error:(file llib-lc) too many names defined

We have been trying to get Sun to give us a patch for sometime now, without
any success. Has anybody seen this problem before? If so is there a official
(or unofficial patch) available?

Please send me mail, and I'll summarize.


Bala Vasireddi,            Phone: (415)962-5036
Synopsys, Inc.             FAX:   (415)965-8637
1098 Alta Ave              DDN:   bala at
Mountain View, CA 94043    UUCP:  ..!!synopsys!bala

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