Yet Another Basic C Question (about X[Y] equiv. Y[X])

John C Chu v067majp at
Tue Jul 10 02:42:18 AEST 1990

I'm in the middle of going through _Standard C_ by Plauger and Brodie.

It says basically that where X is a pointer and Y is an integer
that Y[X] is equivalent to X[Y]

I've never seen the pointer used as the subscript before (then again I
haven't seen alot of things) so I was wondering:

Is it useful for anything? Is there some instance where it would make
the code clearer? Or is it something that people use in the Obfuscated
C Code contest? Or have I misread Plauger and Brodie?

Reply by E-mail. It doesn't seem like a general interest thing.

				chu at

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