(PD) C obfuscator/shrouder

David Loewenstern davel at cbnewsl.att.com
Thu Jun 7 02:20:09 AEST 1990

There have been many respondents to my request for a C
obfuscator/shrouder.  Most have pointed to Gimpel software or
other software houses.  Two respondents were kind enough to volunteer
their products to the public domain:

Russ Fish: fish at kzin.utah.edu has a good shrouder which generates 
completely unreadable but compilable code. Russ includes his source
code with the package.

Tris Orendorff: dciem!alzabo!tris has an excellent and well-documented
shrouder which scans your include files for keywords and
function names which are not to be shrouded, etc.  However, Tris has 
only released the IBM-PC binaries so far.  Tris's shrouder renames 
variables, type names, and variable names, but does not remove whitespace,
so the output code is a bit easier to read than Russ's, though I found
it adequate for my needs.

These opinions are shareware.  If you like the product,
please send your two cents to:
               David Loewenstern
             <davel at whutt.att.com>
Disclaimer: (defmethod responsiblep ((x statement) y)
                 (spokespersonp (speaker x)) y)
            (defmethod spokespersonp ((x (eql (find-person "davel")))
                                      (y at&t-subsidiary))

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