?- The number of variable arguments to a function??

Edouard Lagache lagache at picsou.inria.fr
Fri Jun 29 20:49:47 AEST 1990

    Hello World!

    I have a tiny problem here which I'd appreciate a little help
    with.  I'd like to write a "C" function (actually C++, but same
    difference), that takes a variable number of arguments (some sort
    of data structure), and returns a continuous block of memory
    containing those arguments in that order.

    Looking at K&R, I see how I can get hold of the arguments, but not
    how to find the number of arguments.  Because in my case all the
    arguments are of the same type (size), I could malloc (or New) the
    right block size if I knew how many arguments were in the list.

    Any thoughts?  It occurred to me that I could just run through the
    argument list twice, but I don't know if that can be done in an
    implementation independant way.

    Thanks in advance for the help!

    Edouard Lagache
    INRIA, Sophia Antipolis - FRANCE (for the summer)

    P.S. Please reply to me directly, I'll post a summary if there is

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