do...while vs. repeat...until (was: Errors aren't that simple)

Rich Walters raw at
Mon Mar 26 16:16:35 AEST 1990

I think that _BOTH_ while and do ... while loops suck.

I worked for the Arizona State Musuem here on campus.  They have a Prime and
use INFORMATION, a big league data base system.  It includes a dialect of
BASIC called INFO-BASIC.  The syntax of the loop structure there is:

			{ statement }
		{while (expr) | until (expr)}
			{ statement }

This allows _complete_ freedom in where you check for loop termination.  You
can check at the beginnig the end or _anywhere_ in between!!!

I think this is the bestest ever!!!!!!

				Richard Walter


			Keep on crunching those numbers


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