Opening more than 20 files

Kevin D. Quitt kdq at demott.COM
Wed Mar 14 08:59:27 AEST 1990

    Apropos previous questions about opening more than 20 files.  Using
Microsoft C 5.1, the following technique works:

    Modify CRT0DAT.ASM to increase the number of files that can be "open"ed.

	_NFILE_ = 40		; If you want 40 open files.

    Modify _FILE.C to increase the number of files than can be "fopen"ed

	#define _NFILE_ 40	/* If you want 40 fopen files */

    Note that the number in CRT0DAT.ASM must be greater or equal to the
number in _FILE.C.

    Finally, modify your CONFIG.SYS to reflect the new count:


    This does not increase the number of files that can be opened by a
single process, however.  To do this, look in CRT0DAT.ASM for the
comment: "Increase file handle count" and uncomment the code immediately
following it. 

	;	mov	ah,67h
	;	mov	bx,_NFILE_
	;	callos

    Now compile/assemble the modules and either link with them
explicitly, or replace them into your libraries. 

    Good Luck!


Kevin D. Quitt                          Manager, Software Development
DeMott Electronics Co.                  VOICE (818) 988-4975
14707 Keswick St.                       FAX   (818) 997-1190
Van Nuys, CA  91405-1266                MODEM (818) 997-4496 Telebit PEP last
34 12 N  118 27 W                       srhqla!demott!kdq   kdq at

  "Next time, Jack, write a God-damned memo!" - Jack Ryan - Hunt for Red Oct.

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