Relationship between C and C++

Wayne Wood woody at eos.UUCP
Tue Mar 20 04:20:07 AEST 1990

In article <8432 at> at writes:
>compatibility with C, it keeps all its low-level and dangerous features.

C is like a loaded gun... it is only dangerous if the person using it does not
know what they are doing.

>    I strongly disagree with this approach if the goal is to obtain software
>quality. Take pointer arithmetic, for example. I would contend that you can
>have quality software, or you can have pointer arithmetic; but you cannot
>have both...

give me a break!

/***   woody   ****************************************************************
*** ...tongue tied and twisted, just an earth bound misfit, I...            ***
*** -- David Gilmour, Pink Floyd                                            ***
****** woody at *** my opinions, like my mind, are my own ******/

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