C reference books

USENET News news at chaph.usc.edu
Thu Mar 22 11:02:28 AEST 1990

like a book that will describe what useage different commands have, some
errors that standard library functions and commands have, how to avoid
some of these areas, etc.
	If people could either e-mail or post some of their reactions
to different books, I'd appreciate it.
From: hozman at nunki.usc.edu (The Hoz!!!)
Path: nunki.usc.edu!hozman

: The views expressed are not represent- :   See you in The Funny Pages,   :
:  ative of my school, employer, or any  :   The Hoz!!! (Samuel Hozman)    :
: other sentinent being; they are random :      hozman at nunki.usc.edu       :
:  words spewed forth from my computer.  :    Fight On, USC Trojans!!!     : 

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