MS-DOS drivers in C

Marc Lampo marc at siebru.uucp
Thu Mar 29 20:26:31 AEST 1990

Hi folks,

    on behalf of a friend, the following request for info/experiences :

Is it possible to write all or most of a DOS device driver in C ?
If so, what C compiler can be used, what switches should be specified ?
Any experiences and/or references to books/articles on this topic are

    I apologize if this were a repost for an old and already closed
discussion, we're relatively new in the news system.

    Please, feel free to send Your reply to "ivo at".

    Thanks a lot,


    Marc Lampo
    Siemens N.V.                        voice: +32 2 536 3552
    VD43 - SINIX system Support         fax:   +32 2 536 3560
    Charleroisesteenweg 116
    B-1060  Brussels                    e-mail: marc at

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