10 commandments and the NULL pointer?

Einar Indridason einari at rhi.hi.is
Thu Nov 8 21:20:21 AEST 1990

I just 'troff'-ed Henry Spencer's 10 commandments and read it.  It is great
and it is now hanging in my wall at home.  However one question entered my
mind:  (a question that perhaps should be in the FAQ list, and perhaps is

The question is about NULL pointers.  Suppose I have the following code:

#include <whatever_needs_to_be_included.h>

int do_something(int *par1, double *par2, char *par3)
	/* do something with those pointers/parameters */
	/* return some value to tell how well we did */


	x = do_something(NULL, NULL, NULL);
	/* is            ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  this right or should I write: */

	x = do_something( (int *)NULL, (double *)NULL, (char *)NULL );

	/* which form should I use?  (that is, should I cast the NULL value */
	/* to int pointer, double pointer, char pointer?) */

Thanks for your time.

Internet: einari at rhi.hi.is        |   "Just give me my command line and drag
UUCP: ..!mcsun!isgate!rhi!einari  |   the GUIs in the waste basket!!!!"

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