declaring an array of pointers to malloced arrays

John Campbell jdc at
Mon Nov 5 08:23:56 AEST 1990

Help? I built a structure:

   typedef struct { int loc, bstart, bend;} seeks;

and I want to store a bunch of these seek triples in malloced space.
But I also want to be prepared for up to _NFILES number of malloced
arrays.  What I ended up doing was the following lie:

   static seeks *fdseeks[20] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};

Then, after mallocing in an init() routine, when I wanted to access the 
10'th seek triple for the 3rd file I'd do this ugly trick:

   seeks *seek_p = (fdseeks[3] + 10*sizeof(seeks));

and seek_p->loc would be the file 3's 10'th seek location.  What I'd 
rather say, however, is fdseeks[3][10]->loc (or even fdseeks[3][10].loc).  

Note: cdecl warns me that struct seeks (*fdseeks[20])[], with it's
      arbitrary array ([]) is not supported by the 'C' language.

Now remember, BE NICE; some of us morons post to learn, not to start
	John Campbell               jdc at
                                    CAMPBELL at NAUVAX.bitnet
	unix?  Sure send me a dozen, all different colors.

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