Coding Standards - enforcing rules is an overkill

Richard Flamsholt S0rensen richard at
Wed Nov 21 00:58:31 AEST 1990

In article <jdarcy.658951398 at zelig> jdarcy at (Jeff d'Arcy) writes:
>dbc at bushido.uucp (Dave Caswell) writes:
>>rules like having a single entrance and exit point are good
>>ones.  They should be written down and strictly enforced.
>Blech!  Consider the following example [...]

  My words exactly! But, as an artist once said, describing his style:
"You've got to know the rules to know when to break them".

  Having single exit-points is a good guideline, but it shouldn't be
enforced. Same goes for using goto's, making macros containing
specific variable names etc - sometimes it just *is* the best
solution, also aesthetically.%


% no, I've never used a goto in C  :^)
/Richard Flamsholt
richard at

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