Where can I get AT&T 'cscope' utility?

Jim Stanley jimst at .mentor.com
Tue Nov 27 08:30:18 AEST 1990

I am looking for the 'cscope' utility which is (I'm told) part of the
AT&T programmer's workbench tool set.  So far, I can't connect with
anyone at AT&T who knows about this set of utilities.

I'd appreciate any information as to where to get cscope -- I'm without
it now in a new job, and I miss it.


uucp:     jimst at mntgfx.mentor.com
US Mail:  James Stanley, CASE Div, Mentor Graphics, Inc.
          8600 Creekside Pl., Beaverton OR 97005
Phone:    503-626-7000x2742

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