How do you declare a pointer to a two dimensional array?

Avery Colter avery at netcom.UUCP
Sun Nov 11 09:13:01 AEST 1990

Well, any array, when referred to by name only without subscripts,
translates into a pointer to the lowest element of the array, i.e.
the location of spam[0][0].

However, at least on my machine, pointers don't take kindly to more
than one dimension of indexing.

So I resorted to making a separate array of pointers, and setting
each of the elements of this array of pointers to match the addresses
of each of the subarrays of the original.

Kinda like:

int spam [10][10];
int *pointer[10];
int index;

for (index=0;index<10;++index)

Avery Ray Colter    {apple|claris}!netcom!avery  {decwrl|mips|sgi}!btr!elfcat
(415) 839-4567   "Fat and steel: two mortal enemies locked in deadly combat."
                                     - "The Bending of the Bars", A. R. Colter

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