Assignment in test: OK?

James C Burley burley at
Sat Sep 22 00:43:59 AEST 1990

trt at (Thomas Truscott) writes:

   Let's look at a serious "flaw" in C syntax that no one complains about.
   Why not?  Because compiler diagnostics keep problems from occurring!
   In C, to index a two dimensional array one uses
	   n = x[i][j];
   This is "gratuitously" different than other languages.
   Look at how horrible the following plausible C mistake is:
	   n = x[i,j];
   Oh no, the dreaded comma operator!  The effect is identical to:
	   n = x[j];
   And C compilers will gladly generate executable code for it.
   What a mess it would be tracking down the bug.

Oooh, another good example, and one I ran into when I first started writing
C code.  I was writing a text-to-Postscript converter for VMS and I had set
up an array to specify the XY offset of a particular graphic so I could
fine-tune it later.  It looked something like this:

   int adjust[4] = [ 1 4 6 3 ];

I had just typed in these semi-random values based on my initial guesses for
the adjustments.  After several compile/link/test passes, I had the code
working and decided it was time to focus on the actual adjustment needed, so
I pulled out a ruler, determined the actual number of points I wanted for
the adjustment rectangle, and modified the numbers accordingly:

   int adjust[4] = [ 1 -3 2 -1 ];

I tried this, and strangely, the graphic moved too far.  Remeasure, readjust:

   int adjust[4] = [ 1 2 1 -1 ];

Hmmm, moved too far again.

Finally, after a couple more attempts, I decided I had to interactively
debug it because I assumed my offsetting code was mysteriously wrong.  Had to
learn VMS debugger etc.  Everything looks ok but STILL doesn't work -- even
though the code paths work fine.  Finally I look at the actual values for
the offset rect as they get pulled out of the structure, and notice that
the last one or two are zero!  Then I look at the earlier ones and they're not
quite right -- though close.

Turns out, as most readers know by know I expect, that I had not used commas
to separate the items in the initialization list.  When there were four
distinct positive numbers, the compiler just inserted commas gratis, with no
message.  When a couple of the initializers were changed to negative values,
the four values turned into two expressions with two operands each!  So
[ 1 -3 2 -1 ] would become [ -2 1 ] (with two zeros added to compensate,
again automatically, but I believe this is correct C and hence shouldn't be
complained about).

Ultimately, even a "complaining" compiler (such as one that complains about
seeing foo[i,j] because i is an unused value) isn't going to catch all such
errors in all situations -- for example, foo[func(i),j] probably shouldn't
produce an error -- perhaps it was intentional, or was it?  But in my case
I think I finally checked the standard and found that it did supposedly
require commas between expressions in an initialization list.  For a compiler
to insert them for one is -- well, arggghhh!  (-:

In doing other language/little-language/whatever designs, I've often thought
back to this problem and avoided making the following general mistake
whenever possible:

    A syntax that allows an item, call it X, in a particular context, should
    always allow another item, Y, that is closely related and likely to
    directly replace it during an edit session and yet is not syntactically
    identical to X.  (E.g. 4 is syntactically identical to 5 but not to -4;
    yet they are all closely related in most user's minds, as might be
    4 and the expression 2+2.)  If replacement of X with Y would change the
    meaning or validity of the overall construct, strongly lean towards
    disallowing X in that context if there can be a form that provides for
    both X and Y meaning the same thing -- in other words, don't allow X
    in a supposedly "convenient" form for "most cases" if it is at all likely
    someone will change X to a Y and get a different result.  (Lean more if
    the result is valid but different than would be expected by direct
    replacement; lean less if the result is an invalid construct resulting
    in a message).

So the compiler I was using violated the rule by permitting one to omit
commas between initializers without considering what happens if one of those
values is directly changed to a negative value.

Other example: c=4;, change the 4 to -2, and you get c=-2;, which in older
Cs used to mean c-=2; (they took a better and more general approach to
fixing it than my limited suggestion -- given no alternative, my rule would
have suggested requiring at least one space following the =).

James Craig Burley, Software Craftsperson    burley at

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