Define a linked list of a linked list

The Phantom Countertenor rmj at
Thu Sep 20 22:12:38 AEST 1990

In article <13821 at hydra.gatech.EDU> ce1zzes at prism.gatech.EDU (Eric Sheppard) writes:
}The problem: I'm not quite sure how to handle a linked list of a linked list.
}Structure :  First member 4 char header, successive members 6 char data and
}               1 char flag.
}struct inner { 
}  char data[7]; 
}  char flag; 
}  struct inner *next; 
}  };
}typedef struct inner INNR;
}typedef INNR *PT_INNR;
}struct outer { 
}  char header[5]; 
}  struct INNR;               <- not sure about this declaration. Use pointer?
}  struct outer *next; 
}  };
}typedef struct outer OUTR;
}typedef OUTR *PT_OUTR;
}Are there any dangers involved with this setup?  Advice would be appreciated...

This looks fine to me. I would be inclined to use a pointer in the
struct outer declaration, but the only pressing reason for doing so is
if you think you may get a situation of having a header with no data
attached (using a NULL pointer as meaning no more data hanging off here,
as usual.
* Windsinger                 * "But soft, what light through yonder
* rmj at   *      airlock breaks?"
* rmj at         *    --RETURN TO THE FORBIDDEN PLANET
* rmj10 at        *  You've gotta be cruel to be Khund!

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