Macro Replacement in Strings

Paul Stachour stachour at
Fri Apr 26 02:15:16 AEST 1991

In the c-compiler which we have been using, one embeds assembly code
with a sequence like:

  #pragma asm
     move.l #OS_CALL_OPEN,d0
     trap   #OS_TRAP
  #pragma endasm

In the one which we are now starting to use, the embed-form is like:

     asm("move.l #OS_CALL_OPEN,d0", 4);
     asm("trap   #OS_TRAP", 2);

Previously we have made defines such  as:

#define OS_TRAP 0
#define OS_CALL_OPEN 14


Now, in our "old" compiler, we got the replacement we desired.
Now, in our "new" compiler, we do not get replacement.

I understand that this is the defined semantics of the CPP,
that one does not replace inside of strings, comments, 
or char-constants.

What I want is for CPP to create the form:

     asm("trap #0", 2);

so that the c-compiler can pass this on to the assembler.

I have tried various combinations of "#" and "##", but can't
seem to get it to work.  It is my understanding that if I
could get CPP to produce the form:

     asm("trap #" "0", 2);

that the strings would be concatenated together, but I don't
seem to be able to do that either.

Any suggestions from the net will be appreciated.

Paul Stachour          SCTC, 1210 W. County Rd E, Suite 100           
stachour at          Arden Hills, MN  55112
                             [1]-(612) 482-7467

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