Need mkproto (again)

Michael Alan Casteel MAC at
Thu Apr 11 14:14:57 AEST 1991

Just a couple months ago, I was looking for an ANSI C prototype generator. A
posting here got me a wonderful response, and somebody in Texas mailed me
a copy of mkproto.c.

How can I say this? The source code has disappeared from my system! Perhaps
somebody (me) got overeager in cleaning up. It's not on any backups either.

I found a version of mkproto.c in volume 8 of unix.misc source on uunet,
but this appears to be an older version, e.g. no -h option.

Could someone rescue me from this abyss and mail me the "new" mkproto.c
AGAIN? I promise to put it in the RIGHT place for precious source code on
my system, where it WILL get backed up and WILL NOT get trashed again.

Mike Casteel
Unison Software, Inc.
mac at

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