One more point regarding = and == (more flamage)

Alan Barclay alan at
Sat Apr 6 00:15:02 AEST 1991

In article <91087.152922KKEYTE at ESOC.BITNET> KKEYTE at ESOC.BITNET (Karl Keyte) writes:
> float (*(*(****(*(*myfunc())())"5")())())()
>is quite legal when one wants to declare a function 'myfunc' as one returning
>a pointer to function returning a pointer to an array of 5 pointers to a
>pointer to a pointer to a pointer to a function returning a pointer to a
>function returning a pointer to a function returning float

no it isn't, presuming that the "5" is a typo for [5], then your declaration
is float (*(*(****(*(*myfunc())())[5])())())(), which according to dcl, as
found in K&R2 is

myfunc:  function returning pointer to function returning pointer to
array[5] of pointer to pointer to pointer to pointer to function
returning pointer to function returning pointer to function returning

I.E, where you have three "pointer to", in sucession you should have

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