dynamic loaders

Garrett Wollman wollman at emily.uvm.edu
Mon Apr 29 07:00:03 AEST 1991

In article <12573 at dog.ee.lbl.gov> torek at elf.ee.lbl.gov (Chris Torek) writes:
>Note that although the subject asked for a dynamic loader (which can
>be implemented in machine-dependent C), but the body of the article
>also asked for, in essense, some way to define `in advance' all of
>the possible function call protocols.  This also can be implemented in
>machine-dependent C, but it then becomes compiler-dependent as well.

There already exist several bits&pieces of code to do dynamic loading.
There is the GNU dld library, which runs on Suns and a few others;
several operating systems (such as SunOS 4.1 and Umax 4.3, to name
two) have built-in support for it; if you can stomach the
object-oriented preprocessor called `class' and the fact that it takes
up 80 Meg on a Sparc, there is also CMU's Andrew system, which
supports Vaxen, MIPSEL, Sparcs, Sun-3s, HPs of some vintage, and
Mach-i386 (to name a few).  The only problem with the latter is the
size and terms of distribution may not be amenable to everyone, and it
doesn't yet work on SunOS 4.1.


Garrett A. Wollman - wollman at emily.uvm.edu

Disclaimer:  I'm not even sure this represents *my* opinion, never
mind UVM's, EMBA's, EMBA-CF's, or indeed anyone else's.

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