strtod() problem - bug in library?

Brian Fitzgerald fitz at
Thu Apr 18 10:51:48 AEST 1991

String-to-decimal conversion problem on AIX/370
------ -- ------- ---------- ------- -- -------

When a string equivalent to zero containing no decimal
point is encountered, strtod() does not store a pointer to
the unconverted suffix.  Instead, it stores the same
pointer that was supplied, as though the conversion were

The AIX strtod() man page says that the decimal point is

Is my strtod function broken, is my code wrong, or am I
trying to do something non-portable or undefined?

If IBM has a bug fix, and you know the bug id number, or if
you have heard of this before, please send me e-mail or
post to this newsgroup.  Thanks in advance.


/* tsd.c test string-to-decimal */
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
        char *s = "3.141593 1 -1 0.0 0 2.718282";
        char *s1;
        int i;
        double d;
        double strtod();


        for(i=0;;i++) {
                d = strtod(s, &s1);
                if (s == s1) break;
                (void) printf("i %i d %f\n", i , d);
                s = s1;
return 0;

IBM 3090 Mainframe running AIX/370

% make tsd
        cc -O  tsd.c -o tsd
MetaWare High C Compiler R2.1r
(c) Copyright 1987-89, MetaWare Incorporated
% tsd
i 0 d 3.141593
i 1 d 1.000000
i 2 d -1.000000
i 3 d 0.000000		<-- why no more output?

Sparc IPC running SunOS 4.1.1

% make tsd
cc    -target sun4 -o tsd tsd.c
% tsd
i 0 d 3.141593
i 1 d 1.000000
i 2 d -1.000000
i 3 d 0.000000
i 4 d 0.000000
i 5 d 2.718282

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