Source File Organization

Roy Johnson rjohnson at
Thu Feb 28 02:23:41 AEST 1991

In article <jls.667625530 at yoda> jls at yoda.Rational.COM (Jim Showalter) writes:
>In Ada, you'd just use the 'IMAGE attribute on the enumerated type,
>which would eliminate the double-entry bookkeeping problem you
>describe at no cost to you.

>Of course, Ada is a big language with lots of useless bells and 
>whistles, according to every C hacker I've ever met.

>(No smiley.)

Looks like we need a new newsgroup comp.religion.ada or some such,
for people to grouse about how Ada is really better than C, but no
one will admit it.

Get a life.
Sorry for wasting bandwidth...I hope this will prevent more of the
======= !{sun,psuvax1,bcm,rice,decwrl,}!shell!rjohnson =======
Feel free to correct me, but don't preface your correction with "BZZT!"
Roy Johnson, Shell Development Company

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