Whose code should we break? ( was Re: 64 bit C )

Jay Maynard jmaynard at thesis1.hsch.utexas.edu
Wed Feb 20 06:33:42 AEST 1991

In article <65469 at brunix.UUCP> cgy at cs.brown.edu (Curtis Yarvin) writes:
>But I want sizeof long == sizeof char *.  There are quite a few applications
>in which I find myself writing my own memory manager; I need some type
>in which I can flick the bits on my pointers, portably.

All the world is not a VAX.

Operating on pointers as though they had no meaning beyond their numeric
value is inherently nonportable, and if you do that, you deserve to lose.

Jay Maynard, EMT-P, K5ZC, PP-ASEL | Never ascribe to malice that which can
jmaynard at thesis1.hsch.utexas.edu  | adequately be explained by stupidity.
  "You can even run GNUemacs under X-windows without paging if you allow
          about 32MB per user." -- Bill Davidsen  "Oink!" -- me

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