WANTED: "C, A reference Manual" and advice.

Horacio Etienne Camblong camblong at acf4.NYU.EDU
Fri Feb 22 01:58:51 AEST 1991

>From camblong at acf4.NYU.EDU  Thu Feb 21 09:58:27 1991
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Date: Thu, 21 Feb 91 09:58:51 -0500
From: camblong at acf4.NYU.EDU (Horacio Etienne Camblong)
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From: camblong at acf4.NYU.EDU (Horacio Etienne Camblong)
Date: 21 Feb 91 09:55 EST
Date-Received: 21 Feb 91 09:55 EST
Subject: Re: WANTED: "C, A reference Manual" and advice.
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References: <41058 at ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU>

/* acf4:comp.lang.c / nakamura at dewey.soe.berkeley.edu (Mark Nakamura) / 12:01 pm  Feb 20, 1991 */
I'm looking for a used copy CHEAP of "C, A Reference Manual"
by Harbison & Steele.  If you have one, please let me know.

Also, I would like any recommendations for clear and helpful
texts on learning C and using C on the Mac, for someone who
already knows other langs fluently.


Mark Nakamura

nakamura at dewey.soe.berkeley.edu
{uwvax, decvax, inhp4}!ucbvax!nakamura%dewey.soe.berkeley.edu
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Relay-Version: version nyu B notes v1.6.1 1/11/90; site acf4.NYU.EDU
From: camblong at acf4.NYU.EDU (Horacio Etienne Camblong)
Date: 21 Feb 91 09:58 EST
Date-Received: 21 Feb 91 09:58 EST
Subject: Re: WANTED: "C, A reference Manual" and advice.
Message-ID: <3770002 at acf4.NYU.EDU>
Path: acf4!camblong
Newsgroups: comp.lang.c
Posting-Version: version nyu B notes v1.6.1 1/11/90; site acf4.NYU.EDU
Organization: New York University
References: <41058 at ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU>

There is a wonderful book on c called "A Book on C" by Kelley and Pohl.
It is nicely written and very clear. 

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