Possible C compiler bug on 8086 machines

Bryan Price bytehead at bluemoon.uucp
Sat Feb 9 06:57:40 AEST 1991

alanf at bruce.cs.monash.OZ.AU (Alan Grant Finlay) writes:

> -----------------------------//---------------------------
> #include <stdio.h>
> main()
> {
>    int x,y;
>    x = 65536/512;
   // You just assigned a long int to a short int here
>    y = 512;
>    printf("This works : %d, %d\n",x,y);
>    printf("This doesn't work : %d, %d\n",65536/512,512);
   // Buzzzzt!  The first %d should be a %ld, since you are
   // passing a long int (not a short int) for the 1st numeric
   // parameter.  65536 is a long, and forces the compiler to
   // pass it as a long, even if it fits in a short int.
> }
> ----------------------------//------------------------------
> And here is a sample output: 
> This works : 128, 512
> This doesn't work : 128, 0
> Does anyone have any idea why?
> Is this a problem with my machine or the printf routine?

This is a problem with your mind.

#include <.sig>

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