A question on Function declaration

Brian Bliss bliss at sp64.csrd.uiuc.edu
Thu Feb 14 08:37:25 AEST 1991

> I would like to  declare a function which returns a pointer to a function
>(that returns an integer).

 int (*f( ))();
         ^arg list goes here
          (arg list for returned func goes in trailing parens)

>I tried the following (among others):
>	((int *)()) func() ;

 it is never legal to put parenthesis
 around a type specifier, except when
 performing the cast operation.
 just remember that declaration look like
 the var's usage, so you have

 a function f:

 a function returning a pointer:
 * f();      or
 *(f());     "apply the function, then dereference the ptr"

 a function returning a pointer to a function

 (*f())();   or
 (*(f()))(); "apply the function, deref ptr, apply result"  


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