DS != SS in Turbo C 2.0 etc etc etc

Brandon Brown brando at uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu
Tue Feb 12 03:13:09 AEST 1991

bonnett at seismo.CSS.GOV (H. David Bonnett) writes:

>It would be greatly appreciated by me (and I expect others) if the questions/
>comments about specific architectures--compilers were not posted to comp.lang.c. If it is not applicable to the language in general, move it else-
>where. I don't care about Intel segments, and hopefully never will have to 

Is it such a bother to NOT read the articles? I don't see how you would expect
people to change newsgroups in the middle of a thread. It started as a TurboC
memory models question. Where else would you post it? The hardware type group?
Intel discussion group? I use TurboC with DOS, and cc/gcc with Unix. I think
it is helpful to know of the problems (current or future) that one may run
into while programming in the two environments....

I guess my question to the group would be, So what? Just don't read the
articles; especially if it bothers you that much...

|  Brandon Brown                     | Internet: brando at uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu    |
|  Coordinated Science Laboratory    | UUCP:	 uiucuxc!addamax!brando!brown |
|  University of Illinois            | CompuServe: 73040,447                  |
|  Urbana, IL  61801                 | GEnie:    xmg23356, macbrando          |

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