Converting between bases

James H. Cloos cloos at
Thu Feb 28 23:29:42 AEST 1991


I need to be able to convert arbitrarily long strings which a guaenteed to
match one of the regexps below (each one gets a different function) and
output the hex equivilent (again in a string) optionally cut down to a
specified number of hex digits.  (The least significant ones.)  The latter
part I can take care of, but the former is giving me trouble.


If someone could give me a jab into the right direction (either what to do
or where to look) I'd be most grateful.  

Happy coding,

James H. Cloos, Jr.		Phone:  +1 716 673-1250
cloos at ACSU.Buffalo.EDU		Snail:  PersonalZipCode:  14048-0772, USA
cloos at ub.UUCP			Quote:  <>

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