'void' arguments (Yet Another Feature Proposal)

Christopher R Volpe volpe at camelback.crd.ge.com
Sat Feb 9 04:17:20 AEST 1991

In article <wolfram.666027738 at ikki>,
wolfram at ikki.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Wolfram Roesler) writes:

(This reference here was mine, although Wolfram omitted that fact)

|>>How about making it a variable argument list function and calling
|>>it with 
|>>           SetThisMode(<xyz>);
|>>           SetThisMode(<abc>,i,j,k);
|>It's not even necessary to write SetThisMode() to work with a
|>variable arg list. If it doesnt bother about the last args in case
|>the first arg is <xyz>, you could simply call it with only one arg.
|>This will of cource annoy Lint and anybody reading your program,

Well, I thought we were talking about portable methods written in
*REAL* C. Not only will it annoy lint and anyone reading your
program (as if that weren't enough), it's illegal from an ANSI
point of view and the compiler MUST issue a diagnostic (assuming you
have some sort of prototype in scope) and will most likely not generate
|>but it will work.

Not if it aborts compilation, it won't.
Chris Volpe
G.E. Corporate R&D
volpecr at crd.ge.com

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