Quick C and VGA Mode 10h

Reuben Wachtfogel ruben at bcstec.boeing.com
Sun Jan 27 15:44:53 AEST 1991

Some quick help will save me some time and be much appreciated.

There seems to be some confusion in the literature regarding this
mode.  I've seen it described as a 16 color mode, a 64 color mode,
a 4 or 16 color mode, and a 16 or 64 color mode in various online
tech manuals, and my VGA card (Paradse)  manuals.
In Quick C, the online help calls it a 64 color mode, but the graph.h
include file calls it a 4 or 16 color mode. The quick 'C' functions
to set colors, and _getvideoconfig seem to treat the mode as a 16 color
mode. My questions are:
1) What does a 4 OR 16 color mode mean ? Doesn't 16 include 4 ?
2) Why all the confusion ?
3) Is there a 64 color 640x350 mode or isn't there ?
   If there is, is there an easy way to access it from Quick 'C' ?

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