Need help with union trick: summary of replies

J. Eric Townsend jet at
Sat Jan 5 06:26:45 AEST 1991

I received many replies, some using #defines, others requiring other
changes.  I think the following message best summaraizes the answers that
work the best.

|From: timr at (Tim Roberts)
|I can think of two ways to solve your array aliasing problem.
|1. Ugly Union or Unnamed Structure.
|  typedef union pointstruct {
|      struct {
|	  double x, y, z;
|      } p;
|      double foo [3];
|  } Point;
|  Point a;
|Then  a.p.y ==[1]  .  This is ugly because of the extra name required
|(that is, the "p").  However, this problem is solved in ANSI C by "anonymous
|structures", so if you're using ANSI C you can say:
|  typedef union pointstruct {
|      struct {
|	  double x, y, z;
|      };
|      double foo [3];
|  } Point;
|  Point a;
|Then  a.y ==[1].  This is the best solution, if you have an ANSI 
|2. Raw Cast.
|typedef struct pointstruct {
|    double x, y, z;
|} Point;
|Point a;
|Now you can cast a pointer to a into a pointer to double and say something like:
|    a.y == ((double *)&a)[0]
|Hope this helps.
|timr at	Tim N Roberts, CCP	Graphic Software Systems
|						Beaverton, OR
J. Eric Townsend     Internet: jet at    Bitnet: jet at UHOU
Systems Mangler - UH Dept. of Mathematics - (713) 749-2120
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