Textbook: Intro. to Data Structures

Jim Cowen cowen at clark.edu
Wed Jan 30 15:26:18 AEST 1991


     Anyone out there have a recommendation for a (good) book on data
     structures.  Preferably, one which is language independent, but
     if you happen to know one which uses C ... thats OK.  Most of the
     individuals in the class will, at a minimum, have had at least one
     course in C programming.

     If possible, email your recommendation along with a brief statement
     as to why you would recommend the book.

     My apologies to the folks in comp.lang.c for the posting, but it did
     seem a good place for a recommendation of this sort (this is also 
     posted to comp.edu).

     If I receive much in the way of comments about various books, I'll
     summarize the comments and post ASAP.

Thanks in advance,
Jim Cowen (cowen at clark.edu)

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