Whither _noalias_?

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.brl.mil
Tue Jan 15 03:30:43 AEST 1991

In article <ENAG.91Jan14003710 at svarte.ifi.uio.no> enag at ifi.uio.no (Erik Naggum) writes:
>I haven't seen any mention of "noalias" in ANSI C compilers I've
>talked to, so I just wonder if I wasn't alone in not really grasping
>what noalias was good for and why its introduction was required.

"noalias" was removed as a result of unfavorable public comment.
Also, the discussion of "top type" was changed to be more intelligible,
again as the result of comments received during the public review.

The intent of "noalias" was to provide a way for the programmer to
specify that a type level for the specified identifier would not be
used in any context where aliasing might occur, thereby allowing the
compiler to optimize the code more tightly than is permitted in the
general case.

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