Structure hopping

Mike Stefanik/78125 mike at bria.AIX
Fri Jan 4 16:19:00 AEST 1991

In article <949 at tfsg.UUCP> mark at tfsg.UUCP (Mark Crafts) writes:
>Forgive my ignorance, but is there a quick 'n' simple way to say,
>dump a structure to a file (or whatever) using pointers, if we
>know that the structure only consists of, (for example) chars?
[proceeds to describe a structure]

Actually, there is a very simple way to do this; consider the following:

struct foo {
		int	anumber;
		long	along;
		char	somestring[64];
		float	areal;
		char	anotherstring[128];
		} bar;

int	fd;

	/* here we open a file named "datafile"; this usage opens the
	   file for reading and writing, appending to the file if it
	   exits, otherwise creating it */

	if ( (fd = open("datafile",O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_APPEND,0644)) == -1 ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Bad karma dude!  I cannot create datafile\n");

	/* here we write the contents of 'bar' out to the file we just opened;
	   note the & operator that provides us with the address of 'bar',
	   which is sizeof(struct foo) bytes */

	write(fd,&bar,sizeof(struct foo));

	/* here we close our file */


	/* now, let's reopen the file, and sequentially read through the
	   records that we have written (perhaps in the past?) */

	if ( (fd = open("datafile",O_RDONLY)) == -1 ) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Bad karma dude!  Datafile doesn't exist!\n");

	while ( read(fd,&bar,sizeof(struct foo)) == sizeof(struct foo) ) {
		/* here we display the guts of struct foo */


Forgive any typos, etc.  Hopefully you'll get the picture.

Michael Stefanik, Systems Engineer (JOAT), Briareus Corporation
UUCP: ...!uunet!bria!mike
"If it was hard to code, it should be harder to use!"

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