ANSI C and comment preprocessing

The Grey Wolf greywolf at unisoft.UUCP
Thu Jan 17 07:52:03 AEST 1991

[ Tried to yank back Blair's article on the ANSI implementation of
  comments, but rn bletched (no rn flames, please!). ]

If comments are expanded to spaces, this kind of breaks things like

#define	operate_with(x) \
	dbm_put(p->pw_/**/e); \
	munge_data(p->pw_/**/e, munge_factor[1]); \
	login->pw_/**/e = p->pw_/**/e;

doesn't it?

How does ANSI token-pasting work? (DON'T say RTFM because I don't *have*
TFM!)  Is is something similar to what I've provided above as an example?

On the 'Net:  Why are more and more fourth-level wizard(-wannabe)s trying to
invoke ninth-level magic, instead of taking the time to climb the other
(quite essential) thirteen levels so they can do this properly?

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