sprintf badness

blair wilson blair_wilson at canrem.uucp
Thu Jan 24 08:02:34 AEST 1991

SC>     I am running into problems when I mix floats and integers in sprintf.
SC>        1.  How it is handled normally ?  [Do not use "f" in sprintf ?
SC>            multiply by 10 and divide by 10 ?]

SC>main ()
SC>  char buf[90];
SC>  int i,j;
SC>  double k;
SC>  sprintf(buf,"%.4d%07.2f%.4d",45,445.34,1234);
SC>  printf("buf  = %s\n",buf);
SC>  sscanf(buf,"%4d%7f%4d",&i,&k,&j);
SC>  printf("i = %d  j = %d  k= %7.2f",i,j,k);
SC>------------ output of the above program ----------------
SC>buf  = 00450445.341234
          1111 field 1 - this looks correct, your specifier %.4d, asks
          for a field MINIMUM 4 wide (I would think spaces would be used
          as place holders, but this may be implementation defined)

          2222222 field 2 - also correct.  A float 7 wide with leading
          0's and 2 decimal places (this time you asked for leading 0's
          with the 0 in the format spec.

          3333 field 3 - also correct.  A four digit integer occupying 4

          You may want to seperate your fields with a space to make them
          easier to decode, i.e. "\n%.4d  %07.2f  %.4d" will force a
          couple of spaces between each field.

SC>i = 45  j = 1234  k= 8840025108807417000.00
          field k messes up in this case because you need to specify %lf
          for doubles, so its stuffing a float, rather than a double, at
          the address you specify.

Hope this helps

email - blair.wilson at canremote.uucp
 ~ DeLuxe}ab #280sa ~ I tried the rest but bought the best!!!!
Canada Remote Systems.  Toronto, Ontario
NorthAmeriNet Host

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