C for numerical purposes ( a replacement to fortran )

Harikrishnan Sundararaghavan sharik at wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu
Fri Jan 25 05:45:59 AEST 1991


	I have been using fortran for my "engineering" calculations.

	I am impressed by the aspects of C and would like to program
in C.  

	However, I am unable to get good guidance in this area, as
most C books describe data structures and systems programming rather
than multidimensional arrays.  I find that declaring an array as a
pointer to pointer ( for example float **a; ) is done often, but I 
do not have any model programs to base my style of programming.

	Any advice in this area will be highly helpful. 

	( Books, sample programs, articles on programming habits etc.)

Thanks very much,



Harikrishnan Sundararaghavan (Hari),

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