Does anyone have the Dr. Dobbs's CP code ?

Duty Programmer duty at
Mon Jan 14 16:42:52 AEST 1991

In the Winter 1989 (#159) edition of Dr. Dobb's Journal, there is a listing
for a C pretty-printer and structure analysis tool called 'cp' (obviously not
written under Un*x). Has anyone typed the code in (or downloaded it) ? I'd
really appreciate a copy of this. I'm also interested in applying it to
Fortran source code.

Thanks in advance,


Richard Brown                     | E-mail: rab at
School of Physics                 | Phone : +61 3 344 5081
University of Melbourne           | Fax   : +61 3 347 4783
Parkville Victoria AUSTRALIA 3052 | Telex : AA35185

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